Aura Healing.
Aura healing for health and well-being. 4 units, ICF CCE approved 16 recorded video lessons taught by Yair Sagy L.Ac Certificate globally recognized by the International Coaching Federation
Lesson 1: Introduction to the human energy system
Lesson 2: The anatomy of the human energy system
Lesson 3: The Infinite Source
The Infinite Source
Lesson 4: Ramana Maharshi
Intro: Introduction to the aura
Lesson 2: Main Functions of the Aura
The main functioning of the aura
Lesson 3: Learn To Identify Your Aura
Lesson 4: How To Connect and Recognize Your Aura
Lesson 5: Aura Meditation
Aura meditation
Student aura art gallery
Lesson 6: Creative experience of the aura
Lesson 1: Imbalance of The Aura
Lesson 2: 1 - 3 Possible Imbalances
1 - 3 Possible Imbalances of the aura
Lesson 3: 4 - 6 Possible Imbalances
4 - 6 Possible Imbalances of the aura
Lesson 4: General Energy Displacement
General energy displacement
Lesson 5: Spirits and Guides In The Aura
Spirits and guides In the aura
How to protect your aura
Is your aura aligned ?
Lesson 1: Carrot and Onion Meditation (Explanation)
Carrot and onion meditation (Audio)
Lesson 2: Aura Qi Gong
Conclusion and next step