Learn How To Read Energy With Yair

Welcome to Infinite Being Academy, an international educational hub founded by Yair Sagy. Discover how to see and feel the energy that is alive within you,  to revolutionise your health, your wellbeing and your relationships. Join one of our live, interactive, online programs. Or take advantage of our 1:1 bespoke sessions for leaders and professionals. We will support you to embrace a powerful unity with the life force.

Private Energy Coaching

A One-To-One Bespoke Energy Coaching Course

Tailored exactly around your individual needs. Sessions will be scheduled around your timetable and your convenience. Weekly sessions over a period of 10 weeks is recommended. However, the length and number of sessions you take up will respond directly to your needs and expectations.

  • See and intimately experience the energy that you are, the energy that is everyone and everything.

  • Understand the anatomy of the human energy system and how to implement that knowledge at work - and at home - to unlock your highest potential.

  • Release energy blocks in yourself, in your team, in your clients and in your boss, to maximise productivity and performance.

  • Correct imbalances in yourself and those around you to power your team effortlessly towards their targets and goals.

  • Connect easily to your own unique and intuitive ways of working with energy.

  • Feel joy and spread love!

Veronica Brejan

Co-founder Midfulness Institute, France

One-To-One Bespoke Energy Coaching

Full Course Program & Booking Info

Energy Coaching For Professionals

Energy Coaching For Professionals

Our Energy Coaching for Professionals course is open to anyone interested in energy reading. We will teach you to see and feel the energy that is alive within and all around you. You will learn all about energy reading and its remarkable healing techniques. Equip yourself with a toolbox of knowledge and understanding, tips and techniques to add to your existing skills. Our aim is to introduce energy reading in an enjoyable, accessible and experiential way. You will be astounded at how easy and profoundly effective energy reading really is.

  • See and intimately experience the energy that you are, the energy that is everyone and everything.

  • Work with and understand the anatomy of the human energy system: chakras, aura, meridians.

  • Release energy blocks in yourself, in your team, in your clients and in your boss, to maximise productivity and performance.

  • Correct imbalances in yourself and those around you to power your team effortlessly towards their targets and goals.

  • Connect easily to your own unique and intuitive ways of working with energy.

  • Feel joy, spread love and be happier.

Anna Miller

Founder Suzhou Grow & Glow Consulting, Germany

Energy Coaching For Professionals

Full Course Program & Booking Info

Mihai Zant

Executive Coach, Trainer & Enterpreneur


Yair Sagy

Yair’s journey began in his mid-twenties. A powerful inner voice drove him to leave his native Israel. He went first to India. Without knowing why, he was blessed to find himself in the ashram of Ramana Maharshi in Tiruvannamalai. Ever since that time, Yair has felt the energy of Sri Ramana guiding and supporting his life. After that he travelled to California. There he delved into the wonders of traditional Chinese medicine. He qualified as an acupuncturist and met his lovely wife Ziza. In China, he deepened and enriched his healing practice by studying and practicing directly with the masters of Chinese medicine. But, the floodgates of healing really opened for Yair when he came across a book: Anatomy of the Spirit, by medical intuitive Caroline Myss. Anatomy of the Spirit was to change the course of Yair’s healing work. Overnight, the magic of energy reading became clear to him. He realised he could see, read and interpret the energy of everything around him. Simply, he had never tried before! It was immediately clear to him that the diagnostic and therapeutic benefits of energy reading are immense. Energy reading can be applied as a stand-alone diagnostic and healing tool. It can also offer immense benefits when applied with any other healing technique. In other words, all healing processes go deeper with the support of energy reading. This includes traditional western medicine and alternative healing practices. Energy reading supports everything. It lends increased focus and power to whatever it is used alongside.

Infinity Membership

A world of weekly exclusive content

Move steadily towards joy with weekly guided meditations, qi gong and yoga classes you can enjoy any time, anywhere. Be the first to practice the latest guided meditations with Yair. Updated weekly. At €2.99 per month, it costs less than your daily coffee! No contract. Cancel anytime.

IBA Scholarship

We’re here to support you. If you would like to join one of our courses but you don’t have the financial resources, we’re here to help. Yair has always worked on this principle. Now it’s official with our new IBA Scholarship programme.